window tidy
window tidy

Youcancreateanynumberoflayouts,eachwithit'sowngridsize,soinjustafewsecondsyoucantakecontrolofyourDesktopandgetworkingmore ...,WindowTidyletsyouquicklyandeasilyarrangeyourapplicationwindowsonyourDesktopontoacustomisablegridusingnothingbutdraganddr...

Window Tidy for Mac

WindowTidyisapieceofsoftwaredesignedforMacOSXoperatingsystemsthatallowsuserstoorganizeandprioritizeopenapplicationwindows.Ifyou'veever ...

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Window Tidy on the Mac App Store

You can create any number of layouts, each with it's own grid size, so in just a few seconds you can take control of your Desktop and get working more ...

在Mac App Store 上的「Window Tidy」

Window Tidy lets you quickly and easily arrange your application windows on your Desktop onto a customisable grid using nothing but drag and drop! When you want ...

Window Tidy

Window Tidy lets you quickly and easily arrange your application windows on your Desktop onto a customisable grid using nothing but drag and drop! When you want ...

Window Tidy

Our original Window Management solution, superseded by Mosaic.

Window Tidy

Crowd-sourced application compatibility for macOS, iOS and Windows.

macOS 强大的分屏工具:Window Tidy

2017年1月12日 — Window Tidy 的分屏操作方法依然是拖动窗口,但它不是拖动到显示器边缘,而是拖动到我们设定好的显示区域,松开鼠标后窗口就会调整到指定的位置。用户可以 ...

Window Tidy for Mac

Window Tidy is a piece of software designed for Mac OS X operating systems that allows users to organize and prioritize open application windows. If you've ever ...

「Windows Tidy」Mac自動分隔視窗排列工具!提升你的工作 ...

2017年2月7日 — 而這篇要介紹的Windows Tidy,就是一個讓Mac 實現更具彈性的視窗快速排列工具,已預設好幾種模式,只要長壓視窗的標題桿後,即可快速丟到指定的螢幕位置, ...

Window Tidy 2.1.3 增强型窗口控制工具

2016年11月1日 — Window Tidy是一款Mac平台的增强型窗口控制工具,支持通过选取网格区域和拖拽到区域位置两种方式动态的调整窗口的位置和大小,可以任意自定义位置和 ...


Youcancreateanynumberoflayouts,eachwithit'sowngridsize,soinjustafewsecondsyoucantakecontrolofyourDesktopandgetworkingmore ...,WindowTidyletsyouquicklyandeasilyarrangeyourapplicationwindowsonyourDesktopontoacustomisablegridusingnothingbutdraganddrop!Whenyouwant ...,WindowTidyletsyouquicklyandeasilyarrangeyourapplicationwindowsonyourDesktopontoacustomisablegridusingnothingbutdraganddrop!Whenyouw...

Mosamic 1.3.1 楚門的世界 蒙太奇圖片製作

Mosamic 1.3.1 楚門的世界 蒙太奇圖片製作
